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Business Forum: 10 years Berlin Process – The Western Balkans as an economic area on the way to the EU
24.09.2024 · 08:00
24.09.2024 · 14:00


The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is pleased to inform you that the Berlin Process Business Forum will take place in Berlin this year. Minister Dr. Robert Habeck is expecting all Western Balkan Ministers of Economic Affairs and other stakeholders to exchange ideas with you as business representatives and those interested in the region. Please make a note of the date now:

Business Forum Berlin Process 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 9:00 to 14:00 (Admission from 8:00 am) at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Berlin. Entrance: Invalidenstraße 48, 10115 Berlin

If you are interested in a personal invitation and thus participation in the Business Forum, please click on the following link by July 31, 2024 and fill out the form to express your interest:

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is paying particular attention to sustainability as it prepares for and hosts the Business Forum, and making use of the Federal Government Guidelines on Sustainable Event Organisation. The event is also designed to be accessible in order to enable the participation of all guests.

If you have any questions or need assistance at the venue, please contact the organisational team:

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